Friday, April 17, 2009

17th: School, Book

7.53pm. 17th April

Well, school's, been keeping me busy. Not a lot of complaints here. So there's not gonna be much posts here for a while.

So, I've been reading this book series called Artemis Fowl, from my friend at school. I've also been losing sleep whenever I recently borrow one of the books, like how I always do when I enjoy books. Since I can finish most of the books in a day... well... losing sleep has cumulative effects. Thank goodness I don't have another one of the books. I've just two books left from finishing the series, with 6 books existing.

As it is, sleep is more important, very much so when one lacks it.

School has also been quite well, though my private studies haven't been much enjoyable. I've decided to drop Japanese, and tomorrow, this blog time, I'll do as such. So, in its stead, I'm joining Drama club. I was thinking of joining the school Choir, as I like to sing, but I guess I'll try out something that has the possibility of curing me of my stage fright. Another reason why I'm not joining the Choir, and the main reason, is that the Choir's and Adveture's timetable clashes horribly. Unless I can be in two places at once, no.
Adventure club sounds promising, and we'll have another activity next week, as I type this down. I'm trying not to expect much of it, because that way, if it's great, I'll enjoy it even more. I'm weak, wimpy, nerdy, wussy and a sissy. I'm hoping Adventure club helps me with this.

For lessons, English AS is exactly what me and my writing hand have been screaming for. I'm hoping that this would not only improve my writing skills, but my story-writing skills too. For too long have I gone without good plotting with stories.

The next featured youtube video will be of a song. Enjoy

You know me better...

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