Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day, printer, room

2.04 pm. I was gonna do this at night to cover all everything of the day, but my mom said that she might write another letter at night.

So I slept at almost 3 am this morning. Not exactly a wonderful thing for me. In fact, it screwed my sense of day. I thought today was Friday, so I was all hyped to attend the collective solat (major prayer) earlier this afternoon, but it's Thursday now. I also woke up at almost 12 noon.

Before it was too late, my mom had corrected my perception of day, so, feeling dumb, I prayed in my fancy clothes. which was for the said collective solat, normally. That was before I had installed a new printer! It's sole purpose to be bought? To print out one measly letter, which I had mentions in the blog post the preceded this one.

And while I was installing, I realized how much I disliked my dusty room. Not my bed, but the floor, including the area where I'm typing this down and, if the door in and out of my room was to be north, the south-west corner of my room, which is next to where I'm typing this down. There dust bunnies everywhere (exaggeration) in said area. And I'm too lazy to do anything, 'cause that's who I am, lazy. And the brooms in this house isn't exactly in a wonderful state either. My longing for a vacuum cleaner lingers on...

That's the end of that then. And another boring day shall be ahead of me. How exciting.

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