Saturday, February 28, 2009

28th: School, Game, Purchases, Unease

8.48 pm. 28th February

Idea of the Day : None (OMG, FIRST)

To start of, I had to go to my old school. What terrible and masochistic reason am I forced to go to my old school again?
I was awarded most successful student in my year. A.K.A The student with the best result in the O Level Exams in my school. One other person would be a girl named Goh Jia Lin.
All I can and want to comment about this is a lot of praises given (I've got two newly obtained, who
le solar energy, and one astral pouch) and much personally embarrassing boobs.

After that, I had a bit of a rest at home, where I tried my hand again (again) on Final Fantasy XII, which I have obtained weapons such as Sagittarius & Tournesol, and obtain all available Espers, only to delete the save (on my first playthrough) and had by brother overwite my save file (on my second, many months later). I've got a new Action Replay Max I bought about a month ago, so I decide to play it again
with cheats (did this on my second playthrough, I've already got the Zodiac Spear [untimate weapon in-game]). But the only available cheats to use is have max gil (cash), level up once to reach level 99 (highest level), and kill a monster once to get max Licence Points (Points used to get licence to use weapons, armor, magic, etc. Basically, it's like you only need to kill people to get some points to by your driver's licence with). And on the day when, two days later, I begin school to. What wonderful schedueling skills I has.

Later that afternoon, mother invited me to go shopping with her. Since I have things to by myself, I went along. Thus have I obtain a new
pendrive, labled Kingston, renamed Blacknight, which have 16 GB, and only cost 3/5 of a hundred dollars. The last pendrive bought had 526 MB (i think). Now, I have a backup of all my 'important' documents. I no longer fear the death of my computer taking the lives of many of my (downloaded) music individuals.
That last statement may get my hide tanned.
I also bought a new wallet. The one that was r
eplaced was falling apart. I also bought those belt bag things, bags that are attached to belts and you wear them around thine waist. I did this so I may have easy access to my wallet and mobile phone. I may look silly with a bulging something square and/or rectangular underneath my untucked shirt, but it is more convenient. For me, thieves and insults alike.

But something got me really down. I may have bummed out one of my friends, in a sense that I mad them sad, in the sense of pain, in the sense of emotions. One thing that I cannot stand or let got or down is this thing. I will go on for the rest of my life, thinking and regretting things like this, despite the effect may or may not be true and/or real, to the dismay for my psychology, and mental and spiritual peace, in the sense I may lose it in the end, in the sense of sanity. Though this has yet to happen, and I already have much of these.

Life says I suck for not moving on.....

For the video:

Hey, it'd Fred.

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