Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Indeed it is

This shall be my second blog ever. Or anything of it's type. The first one is on http://unfortunately-me.blog.friendster.com/ EDIT: which I shall no longer use. D:

First, I would like to say a few things:

Kucing, Kitteh & Meow

Next, I wish to write this:

What you should expect from this blog is unexciting tales about my daily life and details them which, unfortunately, may would be written in an unstable interval from everyday to never again.

To start of, I feel somewhat terrible for not being able to get in touch with people in the internet, since I can sometimes frequently disappear from the socialising area of the internet for a LONG time. This is the sole reason why I write this blog, to make up for those disappearnces. If not, at least I'm trying to find a way to keep in touch with people, even indirectly.

And now, on to my daily life's nagging, ranting and all the things a blog is supposed to be.

So this year, I'm supposed to be taking my GCE A Levels, for two years. This is somewhat making me a bit nervouse. If anyone who is reading this know me, they might not known the fact that I have lived my past years in perpetual "kid" mode of psyche or mentality, living for the moment, not taking the future seriously and the such. But now that i have to study for A levels (not even O levels could wake me up), I woke up. I'm worried about myself as I see failure in mind. But I know I shouldn't get this to me, not now, not ever.

Another reason why I'm a bit shaken for this year is the possibility of studying overseas. Seeing how I pathetically depended on my parents, I'm not sure how I might go through it. Thankfully, Persona 3 has my hopes raised, as all I need to really worry when I get there is to study. Since there aren't any true distractions there that my pervert me from my main goal, I think I would do fine. If I get the scholarship, I mean.

That would now be the end for this first ever blog of mine. I hope I can keep this up, writing my blogs every day, or days that have some significant impact on me like stress problems or whatever. I tend to do things like this on interest, and by God I hope I'm still interested in writing blogs 'till I can't type anymore.

It's night time here so I'll be sleeping. Good night

Edit: To everyone who would have like me to talk more or say more than 3 words on the Messengers, sorry I couldn't do as such before

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